Low Tire Pressure
As gas prices continue to increase nationwide we need to save money anyway we can. What many don’t know is saving at the pump can be as simple as checking the tire pressure at least once a month. Studies have shown that nearly half of US drivers don’t even know what the low tire pressure symbol means. Doesn’t that make you wonder how many people out there are driving with low tire pressure, personally that kind of scares us. Not only does that jeopardize your safety it also increases the chance of a blowout. By following a general rule of thumb, check your tire pressure every two times you fill your gas tank. For those who don’t know, you can find the suggested tire pressure specific to your vehicle on the inside panel of the drivers side door. While down there also take a moment to check the side walls and take a quick observation of the tread, if your tire is balding than you may want to visit your local tire professionals and get it looked at/replaced.
Responsible Driving Habits
Low tire pressure isn’t the only factor that decreases fuel economy; rapid acceleration and heavy braking will dramatically drop fuel economy and if continued will cause premature mechanical breakdown. Aggressive drivers that slam the gas and speed all over town will see a huge hit in gas mileage ultimately ravaging their wallet. In addition these erratic driving behaviors put all drivers on the road at risk and will increase your auto insurance rates if an accident occurs.
Though obeying the posted speed limit is a good idea and will keep you from getting a costly ticket, it can also help save you money on gas. Most vehicles have an optimal fuel economy ranging at different speeds, knowing where your car’s sweet spot could save you big bucks over the course of a year. We suggest also using cruise control on the highways when possible as it allows you to keep a steady RPM which saves on gas. Using overdrive gears (if equipped) slows your engine speed which reduces engine wear and increases the fuel economy.
Avoid Hauling Dead Weight
How many of us practically live in our vehicles? Driving around with your car loaded up with clothes, trash, tools, boxes, golf clubs, and whatever else you can fit in it adds weight which decreases fuel economy. Those of you who have an empty roof rack or an unused camper loaded on the back can reduce fuel economy anywhere from 2%-25% when city driving and across town on the freeway. Drivers who also use their truck to haul trailers can also save on fuel consumption by dropping the trailer when not in use.
Excessive Idling
Idling on the freeway when stuck in rush hour traffic is for some of us unavoidable, and quite painful to say the least. When you’re not stuck on the streets, excessive idling in front of the house, running into the gas station, or even pulled over on the side of the road can really run up the gas bill if it’s a regular habit. Depending on your vehicle type and engine size, idling can burn anywhere from a quarter to a half-gallon per hour. Though many have heard that starting and stopping the engine burns more gas than leaving the car running, this isn’t always the case. We recommend turning off your engine when parked for any prolonged amount of time. Not only will this save on gas but it also cuts down on the emissions your vehicle releases into the atmosphere.
Implement these tips and start saving money at the pump today. We would also like to remind everyone to drive safe and always look twice for motorcycles.
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