Whether you are leasing an apartment, condo, town house, or a home it is important that as a tenant you carry your own renter’s insurance policy. Many property management companies will require the tenant to carry a minimum of $100,000 in liability insurance. In addition to the liability coverage the policy will also extend personal property coverage along with other optional coverage such as: scheduled personal property, medical, and water back-up. What tenants often don’t realize is their landlord’s insurance policy doesn’t extend coverage to you or your personal property. This could leave you exposed to the risk of losing everything in the event of a fire, theft, vandalism, injury on the premises, and much more.
Call Today For Your Free Quote
(602) 888-1732
Superior Coverage Options
Additional Living Expense
Animal Liability
Guest Medical Coverage
Identity Theft Recovery Coverage
Increased Computer Coverage
Personal Property Replacement Cost
Valuable Articles Coverage
Water Back-up
Download Your Free Personal Property Inventory Worksheet
Keeping an up-to date Inventory is crucial to expediting the claims process and ensuring you receive the full payout on your personal property. In addition you may have more personal property than you thought, with this easy to use tool you can break down the values of certain property classifications ensuring you have enough coverage across the board.
Know your rights as a tenant, download the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act Handbook. “Provided by the Arizona Department of Housing”
Tenant Coverage Form
HO4 – The Tenants form provides “all risk” coverage for personal property on a named perils basis. The term “all perils” is essentially a named exclusion form, this means if it’s not specifically excluded it’s covered. In addition this form provides liability coverage for personal injury or property damage inflicted on others.