Pleasant spring, summer and fall weather entices many to enjoy the outdoors by land or water. Millions own ATVs, motorcycles or boats. However, unless vehicle operators adhere to basic safety precautions, accidents occur. Statistics from 2017 indicate that more than 100,000 injuries and 5,300 fatalities occurred secondary to ATV, boating and motorcycle accidents. Keeping in mind a few precautions ensures that all stay safe while enjoying recreational activities.
ATV Safety Tips
- Protective gear-ATV riders should always wear a full helmet along with protective outerwear, boots and gloves. If a spill occurs, the rider’s body remains protected from possible injury.
- Perform an inspection-Before each ride, ATV owners should consider inspecting the vehicle’s tires, wheels, cables, the chain, connectors, electronic components and fluid levels.
- Ride with a buddy-Riding with other people ensures ATV safety. Dangers that one rider sees are easily passed on to other riders. In the event of an accident, a companion is able to offer emergency assistance or contact help.
- Ride responsibly-Avoid performing stunts or tricks. Do not push the limits of your skill or the function of the ATV.
Boating Tips
- Use common sense-Stay alert, do not speed, avoid other vessels and respect navigational devices. Never operate a boat under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Have an assistant boat operator-Besides the boat operator, another individual must be familiar with the vessel’s function, regulations and emergency protocols in the event the captain becomes incapacitated.
- Flotation devices-Boats should carry one life jacket for each passenger, which should be worn. A life preserving float is another option.
- Trip itinerary-Before embarking on a boating adventure, inform a loved one where you plan to be on the water. Include the names, addresses and phone numbers of all the passengers along with details of the planned journey.
- Communication devices-Smaller vessels should have at least a smartphone for emergencies. Larger vessels should be equipped with more advanced two-way radios along with personal and positional emergency beacons.
- Be weather wise-Before departing, obtain weather information for the area in which you plan on traveling. If storm clouds appear, the winds increase or the water becomes rough, leave the water.
Motorcycle Tips
- Take a safety course-New bike riders especially benefit from taking a basic operator safety class. The courses typically involve written instruction combined with learning riding techniques. Completion of the class enables riders to take the MVD test for an operator’s license.
- Pre-trip inspection-Before heading off on any road trip, owners should perform a quick inspection of the bike’s tires, fluids, chassis and the electronic components. In this way, you reduce the risk of malfunction while riding, which could contribute to an accident.
- Wear a DOT certified helmet-Thousands of fatalities occur each year when riders do not wear a motorcycle helmet. A properly fitting full helmet is the best, as the gear protects your face, ears and head.
- Additional gear-Riders should consider also wearing protective outerwear in the form of heavy jackets and pants along with gloves and boots. In the event that a rider falls from the bike, their body remains protected from suffering scrapes, lacerations or bruising.