Many people consult an insurance agent or broker for their car insurance needs, and for good reason: agents can help you navigate the complicated world of insurance and help you get the best deal.
But did you know that there are different kinds of insurance agents and brokers — and the one you choose can make a big difference in the type of service you get and the choices you’re offered?
Here’s the difference:
Captive agents represent just one insurance company. As part of their business agreement, they offer only that company’s products, services, and coverage.
Direct markets are much like a captive carrier in the sense that they’re only able to provide one line of products, services, and coverage. In addition you will be provided an 800 number for customer service and will never get the true value of having your own agent to assist you every step of the way.
Independent agents and brokers offer products from different companies. Often, they can offer more choices and savings because they can review multiple options to find the right mix of companies, coverage, and rates for you.
Because they represent many different insurance companies, independent agents can allow you to shop around with competing carriers and get you the best deal. So rather than spending hours gathering quotes from various companies, you can get it done with one simple call or visit to CityScape Insurance
Another plus to working with an independent agent or broker is their ability to offer guidance for all your insurance needs. Getting to know your exposures isn’t just part of the job for an independent agent, it’s a lifetime commitment to you.
To learn more about the options available to you, call us today and we would be delighted to speak with you.