Switch today and save hundreds on your car insurance!
In today’s society it’s not easy living a decent life and juggling the bills so naturally saving money on our auto insurance sounds fantastic. Though it sounds great and we’re all ready to cut costs where we can the question you have to ask yourself is what else are you cutting?
Many insurance carriers such as State Farm, Geico, Progressive, and Freeway Insurance claim they can save you $100’s on your car insurance, save 15% or more, auto insurance as low as $29/mo, so easy a caveman can do it, and so on. What they aren’t telling you is they will sell you a bare bones policy leaving you with next to no coverage in the event of an accident. Now don’t get me wrong, these carriers do provide excellent products, they’re just trying to appeal to those consumers who want the cheapest insurance policy possible. We agents have heard one too many horror stories about being underinsured and quiver at the idea of a state minimum policy. To make sure your current policy doesn’t fall short in the event of an accident we’ve broken down the crucial coverage you should have on your policy and how it works for you.
Bodily Injury & Property Damage
Chances are if you drive a car and have ever had to deal with anything pertaining to auto insurance you’ve heard the term “BI & PD or Bodily Injury and Property Damage”. This is your basic form of liability insurance and is a state requirement to operate a motor vehicle. In the State of Arizona the minimum limits required are $15,000/$30,000 for bodily injury and $10,000 for property damage. This is coverage afforded to others in the event you’re found at-fault for an accident. Though this may look like a lot of coverage, it’s pennies in most cases. The average cost for an ambulance transport in Arizona ranges in-between $860-$1,200, and an emergency room visit starts around $1000 & up. These figures don’t include additional costs for x-rays, chiropractor visits, treatment costs, possible surgery, or medications. With a state minimum policy it will only cover up to $15,000 in bodily injury per person and a maximum of $30,000 per accident. If you were to get into a head on collision with another driver and three passengers just imagine how expensive that can become, we haven’t even factored in your injuries yet.
Aside from the injuries sustained in the event of an accident you also have to factor in the cost of property damage. This includes the other parties vehicle, light posts, fire hydrants, electrical poles, fences, buildings, etc… Depending on where you reside it’s very likely that most vehicles on the road cost more than $10,000 to replace. For instance you crash into a brand new 2014 Ford Fusion, it will run you around $22,000 to replace the vehicle if declared totaled. With only $10,000 in coverage afforded by the policy, this will leave you on the hook for an additional $12,000. Hope you were saving the hundreds of dollars by switching as promised because the insurance company will be coming after you for the additional cost.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
Though an optional coverage in Arizona it’s highly recommended that you carry it. Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage can be added to any auto policy up to the limits of the Bodily Injury coverage carried. For instance if you carry the state minimum policy ($15,000/$30,000/$10,000) you can add up to $15,000/$30,000 in uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. This valuable option will cover you in the event the other driver is at-fault and does not carry enough insurance to cover the cost of your sustained loss.
Additional Coverage Options
Aside from the basic coverage outlined above there are several other options to consider when purchasing a policy such as: medical, comprehensive, collision, roadside, and accessory coverage. If you would like to learn more about these valuable coverage options please feel free to contact us.
Next time you shop your auto insurance take a moment and ask your agent what the policy really covers before making a costly decision. If you don’t have an agent or would like a second opinion please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to provide a free coverage review.
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